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International Databases

Time Sheet

To change manually one employee´s the time sheet, the administrator needs to select the employee on the list and click on the Time Sheet command.
Se o Security Access is active it will be required the administrator password.

To change the visible date range:
- select the Start Date
- select the End Date
- click on the Update command

To change the punch-in or punch-out time in a day
- Locate the desired day on the Date column
- Select the item on the list by clickig once
- Click on the Edit command or doubeclick on the selected item

Time Sheet data

The "Date" column
The "Day of week" column
The "First Punch In" column
The "First Punch Out" column
The "Second Punch In" column
The "Second Punch Out" column
The "Worked" column
The "Lunch" column
The "To Work" value
The "Total Worked" value